Monday, March 22, 2010

zip tying frames

Except for frame 18 which İ placed and filetted a week ago, İ seriously started working on the frames the day before yesterday.

The initial idea was to start from bow F18 to transom F214, just as recommended on the builders guide, but after İ hit on F53.5 İ decided to stop and analyze the whole thing better. After a little observation, thinking and experimenting with my hull, İ decided to invert the frame zip tying process and start from the end.

The reason is that İ had a gap ( between side panels and frames that is) at ALL frame locations without exception. Trying to close out this gap on forward frames proved to be a tough challenge. İ believe that the tension on the side panels up front at the bow is much greater that closer to the transom due to the compound curve fwd F18. Aft, the panels are pretty much straight and flat and easier to move. İ also imagine that placing the aft panels first might just as well put the whole side panels into position and release some of that forward tension.

So İ zipped 169.5 , 124 , 110 and prepared 89 (cut out upper corners for sheer clamps and bottom corners for filet spacing). Overall it went really good and İ was able to zip tie all frames tight to the hull without leaving any space or creating any hollow. The only exception right now is frame 169.5 wich İ overtighted and slightly bulged inwards creating that undesirable shape. İ will unzip it and do it again.

For all frames, İ was very carefull to how much İ could push the panels inward, towards the frame. İ proceeded slowly , tightening each zip tie progressively and always checking with a long flat ruler that the side were not caving in. Took some time but worked great.

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