Sunday, February 14, 2010

the cradle

After, joining and cutting all panels I set aside the cutting table and decided to put the cradle where it belongs, that is on the floor of my garage. So here are a few pictures of my cradle. It is probably over engineered but it is steady, square and leveled.
I also cutted supports to match the exact shape of the hull at all frames. Those were made with simple plywood leftovers but were built in such a way that they actually lay on the craddle itself to better support the weight of the hull. Should enough. Only support 214 had to be rebuilt with a stronger material since it was a little wobbly. All supports alignement was checked with a string pulled acroos the lentgh of the cradle. İt looks good.
The dolly however was built to support the boat from frame 214 to 53,5 and İ believed this ended up being not sufficient, so İ ended up building individual supports for frame 18 and 000. As you can see below. İf İ had to do it again, İ would go for a full size dolly from frame 214 to 000

İ also initially added cheap insulation tubes, splitted in half on all supports. They look really good but İ ended up taking them out so İ could better check if the hull was actually conforming to the shape of the supports at the different frame points.

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