Thanks to my fellow builders I finally started to have a better understanding of what kind of controls I should have.
Set up for spin and jib sheets was pretty easy and İ did exactly what Kevin did with side by side blocks . And because İ am building the long cockpit/short cabin version, İ can still seat 2 people side by side either in front of those blocks or behind. Plenty of space to move around and good access to all commands in case of solo sailing.
Most of the issues however came up with the dog house hardware placement.
Might sound easy for most of you but for a non experienced sailor such as me, it was all pretty hard to figure out.
As suggested, I bought some ropes and started playing around and simulating where all the cleats and blocks should be fixed at. The main issue I had is that the space around the cabin cutout and and mast base is very limited because I probably over cut the cabin opening. So I was left with little space to fit everything.
But I followed all the good hints and advices of what should be where , and ended up with this set up:
vang and cunningham running on the smaller external cleats . Spin tack line running on the middle large cleat. On the cabin side panel İ left a cleat eventually for a jib downhaul line
vang, cunningham running on the smaller external cleats, spin halyard running on the middle large cleat.On the cabin side panel İ have the Jib furling line as İ intend to use a furler.
Cleats for Main halyard and Jib halyard will be set on mast itself to save some deck space.
Spin tack line, Jib downhaul and Jib furling run all the way to bow and are deflected and held in place with little blocks. İt looks clean and should work fine with the fixed spin pole İ will add later on.
İt seems it will work out fine so a very special thanks goes to Josh, Chad and Kevin who helped me out each with a different step of that hardware location process.
All holes have now been overdrilled and filled with blue colored epoxi silica. That should help me not loosing sight of the holes after fairing.
The hardest part was really to place patches of duck tape underneath the traveler rail holes to fill them out with epoxi putty because İ had to dive underneath the cockpit sole all the way back to f169,5...
The place is so cramped inside because of all the stringers and reinforcement that İ would bump my nose everytime İ had to turn my head from side to side. But İ managed to keep my claustrophobic attacks under control !
That is one more benefit of this whole building experience ...
İ have already started fairing and sanding and should be painting top deck in a couple of weeks.
Looking great! Thanks for the detailed description! Helps me a lot!