Tuesday, September 21, 2010

İf Beavis and Butthead were fileting with the brown stuff...

Can't resist the temptation to think about what it would be like if Beavis and Butthead were building a boat and had to use West 405 brown stuff İ bought :)

-Hey Beavis, this sucks ! İ ran out of silica !

-Huhhh huhh huh....................well.......you ran out of what ? ......huhhh huhh huh..

-Silica you dumbass ! Cant filet without silica !

-Oh yeah.....silica......cool ! Hey Butthead........?

-Yeap ?

-Why dont you try fileting your own crap ! .huhhh...huhh.....huh .........That would be cool.............huhhh....huhh............huh. .......Filet your own loaf.!

-Heh, hem, yeah, that would be cool.....!

-Huhh...huhh......huh........Turd filet ............huhhh.......huhh.......huh.......that's funny...!

-Woa ! İt does work................Filet from hell ! ............That rocks....!

-Huhhh......huhh..........huh....yeah, silica sucks !

Those guys were my absolute favourite. Too bad they are gone.


  1. Damn Jerome you need to get outa there you been sniffin glue fumes for toooo long !!
    -Huhh...huhh......huh........Turd filet :)

  2. Yeap Josh, I really need to get out of my garage. This built is becoming obsessive.....but ı also get real good laughs out of it... İ was laughing my ass off last evening while laminating the brown stuff and thinking about Beavis and Butthead. But you guys need to follow the sequence of posts (the one where İ fileted my bunks) to understand why . :)
    All good fun !
