Thursday, April 28, 2011

The i550 Class Association

This is one of the really great stuff about building an i550 : the builders community, the frienship, the learning, the help, the tips and advices that all make it possible for a first time builder like me to build such a nice sportboat.
İ dont think İ would have gone so far without all that help.
And it just gets better and better because all of these builders have recently created the i550 Class Association.

Check it out at
That i550 Class Association is truly an international class and people from many different countries, regions, background and experiences have joined.
The last great example is an Australian builder offering a set of sails that might be donated to a Mexican builder but might as well end up in Turkey !
You will find everything at you will ever need to build your boat, and that includes experienced builders who will guide you through all the building process. Join the forums and ask your questions !

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