I have measured a zillion time to make sure I had all the space needed between f.124 and f.110, and then went for it and reinforced the whole thing:
-on the fwd face of 110, I placed a long piece of ply at the bottom of the frame going from hull side to hull side
. It actually looks just like the original f110, but it is actually a reinforcement glued on the back of f110 extended cockpit version
-on the rear face of 110, that is in between 110 and124 right where the keel box will be, I added another reinforcement. It is a simple rectangle that fits right in the middle of the bunker cuttouts all the way up to cockpit floor level. My 14 inches between 110 and 124 are still good ..so no panic.
-on the aft face of 124, I placed another similar rectangle reinforcement.
So basically now at keel box area f110 is 3/4 inches thick and f124 is 1/2. Should be strong enough. By the way, once again thanks Kevin and Tim R for helping me understand how I should reinforce that area.
Looks clean, looks sharp, looks good!