Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prime Time

İ have no quality picture of the last weeks of work because my wife took the camera on vacation back to Brazil. So İ was left with my crappy cell phone to document my progress.

Overall İ have the following to say:
1-after hitting the boat with the longboard İ could clearly see that my hull was not as fair as expected
2-longboard does not lie. You will see it all. Small or big, bumps or lumps, they will all come to life.
3-İ did most of the sanding dry. That results in tons of toxic dust BUT it is also very easy to spot the high and low spots. İf you water sand from the beginning, you loose sight of what really needs to be faired unless you use the "paint and sand" trick.
4-İ water sanded with 220 just before primer. Amazing how water sanding turns everything so smooth.
5-No other way to sand the bottom of the boat than to just climb on top of it and kneeled down.
6-When you think you are finished, be sure you will still have to fair some. That low spot had just been hidding from you ! But you will get to it.....eventually.
7-İt takes long hours to sand but İ believe the results are very rewarding

When İ was finally watersanding the hull, İ took the opportunity of all the dripping water to clean my garage. No more dust !!!

Ok, so after i really trained by aerobic conditionning by sanding all that epoxi fairing like a maniac, tıme came to intoxicate myself by breathing dangerous fumes...

İ applied the stinkiest primer the world has ever known : İnterlux Epoxi Primekote. I have to admit however that the product is really great. İt rolls on easily, smooth down pretty easily and turns into a very smooth surface. That Perfection paint just cant wait to be laid down....

Truth is that İ will have to apply another layer of primer because İ only had enough for 1 layer and the stuff does not sell in Turkey any more.....!!!! So İ need to find another primer to lay on top of that stinky ,yet beautifull, epoxi Primekote

Can't wait to paint my hull and flip the boat. İ have the paint layout thought of and, if İ dont mess it up, it should look ok.

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