Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fairing fitness

İ have to share this funny thing that happened to me.

After about 10 days of evenings fairing and sanding, sweating my brains out, and getting partially suffocated because İ was using a dust clogged up respirator, İ finally hit the gym yesterday at lunch time.
Since İ had not much time İ jumped onto the treadmill and started running................and İ ran like never before in my life!!!!!!!!! :):)

İ mean İ ran for 40 mns at 12 km/h like İ had never done before. İ am no "marathon man" and running is not my top exercise, so maintaining an average speed of 12km/h over 40 mns is kind of a world record for me !

The only logical explanation İ came up with is the following:
-İ was actually doing sort of a heavy ANAEROBİC exercise by sanding the boat every night with my clogged up respirator. I just could not breathe with the damn thing because of all the dust stuck in the filters, so İ would often go out of breath.
İ believe İ was pretty much doing like the athletes that train at high altitudes to increase their level of red cells and then come back to sea level and kick ass at competition. Except İ did not go to Peru but rather stayed in my garage and sanded like an idiot without properly breathing!!! But the results were as amazing!

So just keep building and you will end up discovering absolutely unforeseen turning your body into a mean oxygen efficient machine!

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